So often we hear - power of now, the times is now, here and now, and more lately wow now. It remains undoubtedly one of those principals - ever true and never changing.
But like most principals- truth, integrity, love - this is a killer to practice. To not go into the comfort of your past pain, or the excitement of the future is not an easy task. Despite its done over and over, why am I choosing to write about it too? Because it is my now. These days I am living my journey inward and hence to my now. And the payoff of jumping in the now is like a sugar rush; I am compelled to write simple ways why you should manao now into your life.
- Now almost always results in gratification right after you act in the now, and it almost never ends in regret
- It's instant self empowerment. The power of now doesn’t actually require willpower but a want for willpower.
- If you fail in the now, it makes for practice to perfect the future wow.
- If you take now out of the equation, there is no later. And that doesn’t require any explanations!
- It helps take decisions. Yes or no, we are out if the limbo.
- If you are really mad, say it now, hold your peace or step away. All-ways, don’t hold the grudge for later than now.
- When its tough -giving up on your favorite or stepping on that platform to speak - reducing it to just this now, it becomes easier.
- Now implies urgency and because its critical, important. As ashraf-ul-maqlooqaat, we are meant for so much more. In a way, so much of our live is urgent and important now if we want to earn, give, be, add and live the life we want.
- Now means 100% in the present. Whether talking to someone or watching a movie- we need to be in now to derive maximum leverage.
- Take things around as other's now. Take things are they appear- do not doubt, question, loose trust - accept it as now.
- Being in the now is being with yourself. No matter which time frame you place the now in, you are always there. And a you-focus means a stronger you and hence more value for all those you touch.
- 5 year plans, life long agendas, values, credos. These things by their length-suggestive -terms suspend thinking. But to maximize living in the now, think now of simple things along the lines of
- What makes you YOU
- What do you want from life
- What makes you happy
- Where do you want to be in 1-3 years
- What things/ideas do you never want to part from
- Imagining and feeling life now as how we want it lets us have it. Its the same idea as the law of attraction where we attract our desired goal into our life by mimicking or acting as we want to be - more attractive, empowered, efficient, richer etc.
Some months ago I lost a friend in a plane crash. Some weeks ago I saw a close relationship crash. Plans are critical, but perhaps more of life should be in the now. Chances are if you now is good, so will your future be. Send the email, skim that book, call a client, tell a friend thank you, and a lover that you love them. I made many plans for time not-now, and with people not present in my now. No regrets, but I find it more fulfilling to be and do now, with the people in it now, and the one I will always be now with - me. After all its my now. m'now.
So go on decide and manao your wow now!
1 comment:
This is the one on my wall :)
Waiting for more of weekend writing!! Eagerly!
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